Tag Archives: eigg

Photo in Ask magazine

Yesterday I got a magazine sent to me from the USA and I couldn’t quite work out why they had been sent to me. Then I was flicking through the magazine last night and saw an article about compost toilets. I took a look at the photo, looked again and realised it was a photo of the compost toilet on the croft I volunteering on in the summer. Quite chuffed by it. Nice to see a photograph in print and also nice of them to actually send the magazine. I’ve been published in a few things but nobody else has ever sent me any “evidence”. Thanks YES Magazine!

This plastic bag thing seems to be quite popular at the moment. I had a couple of positive comments about the previously posted essay. Chorlton seems to be going full steam ahead with it’s plastic bag free campaign although I still think this is more an aesthetic issue rather than a climate change issue maybe it will help people think about the “bigger picture”.

What else has been going on? I’ve been shuttling between Manchester and the Wirral to look after my parents cat who seems a bit confused about their prolonged absence.

Also been enjoying the Christmas market in Manchester. I would say it is just as good as going to Germany (and you are saving time and of course emissions!). The mulled wine is ace and there are lots of things to eat (although mainly for the carnivores amongst you).


We also went to our friend’s night called Civil Action in town which was really good fun.

Civil Action

We also had a Christmas dinner which was amazing and turned into a drunken fancy dress affair. We had amazing food (nice one Leanne), party games and lost of dancing on chairs, tables etc. Looking forward to the New Year’s eve party on the 4th January!

Finally for this pre-Christmas installment, I’d ask everyone who hasn’t to watch the Story of Stuff. It’s ace. Nuff said. (oh yeah and of course after watching that you’ll realise I don’t want any Christmas presents! ;-)… buy me something second-hand)