
Hello all and Happy New Year (well tomorrow)…

Me and John arrived safely in Bombay. Quite a mad experience so far. It’s just so different to everywhere I’ve been so far. Lots of poverty, slums, people, cars and noise but also lots of very friendly people although you arent always sure if they want something off you.

Have had some nice (non-spicy and vegetarian) currys and took a trip this morning to Elephanta Island (no elephants unfortunately but lots of monkeys who seem to like stealing fizzy drinks off people) where there are some tmple caves carved into the mountain side.

So 2004 NYE will be spent somewhere in this crazy vast city of 17 million people. Thinking so far to go to the Gateway to India and then to a beach where there may be something going on. Otherwise it’s Boney M at one of the Western Hotels… or Bobby Friction at a fancy bar (at a fancy price of about 60 quid… so no thanks…)