Xmas, Germany and Transmission

This is probably the last post before Christmas, off home tomorrow for a few days, then off to India on the 29th December for a little bit of sun to beat the winter blues!Firstly Transmission was a huge success last week, I think about £550 + the contents of the charity buckets was made on the night, and there were in excess of 230 people in the ride. Thanks to everyone who came and said hello on the door!

Before that, I was in Germany for a few days – where I experienced all the best of Germany – incredibly fast trains which leave and arrive at the correct time, bins where you can recycle everything, German beer and Mulled wine! The only negative thing is that people generally appear to be a lot ruder than in the UK. They don’t hold the doors open, the dont say Excuse me and stuff like that. I can live with it but it just seems a bit off really… Went from Cologne down to Heidelberg and it was really Christmassy.

I’ve begun to put up some photos which can be looked through. Hopefully will be able to upload some from the madness of India – can’t wait!

Right Merry Christmas everyone.

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