What’s it all about

Lost another 3 of my workmates today. Down to ten now – feels like a sort of extended family is lost every three months. It feels like all my suspicions about globalisation and capitalism are surrounding me and haunting me. The only commodity that can be removed is the workforce. Even if that is for short term benefit, management feel that it is the best thing for the “company”. What does it matter that there is no such thing as a career any more?

monday surfing

few things found from random surfing on monday morning

i used to believe is where you can read entries that adults used to believe were true when they were kids. Makes for an amusing read.

This is a new take on the trading card game that we all used to play at school, I’ll swap you my Osama for your Kofi.

Piece from Saturday’s Guardian about the Iraq situation – it’s up to the Americans to stop Bush. He won’t listen to anyone else.

Finally, the hoggboy album is out (well a week ago now), you should buy it. Got some decent reviews, 3/5 in Q Magazine, and there is another review here.. Unfortunately it won’t be available from Amazon for 4-6 weeks…

drunken fool

saw the coral play at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire last night. What seemed like a typically non-active London crowd turned into a mosh-pit to rival the best heavy metal gig! For 45 minutes we were flung around the front of the stage. Although looking behind, the pace of the crowd was slightly more sedate. They played a good set from what I can remember. By the end, my jacket was pulled down and I felt like I’d been dancing for hours at a drum n bass night. Luckily thats what we decided to do. So we continued onto movement @ bar rumba (strange place for a drum n bass night, on the fringe of the Trocadero). Top night as usual although in racing back to get the 0335 train from London to Reading, I took a schoolboy tumble and ripped my jeans and took most of the skin off my hand. Nice. Got back home at about 5.15 and up at 9am for work….. Unproductive is my middle name today. Oh well, it’s Friday. My housemate called me a drunken fool, can’t say fairer than that really.