Back Again

Well it’s been a few days without a net connection to speak of so now that I am back in semi-civilisation (Ouarzazate to be precise home of the Foreign Legion and the Marathon Des Sables), heres Wednesday and Thursday’s installments…

I spent Wednesday looking around a few museums in Marra. The weather was incredibly good and I got my first view of the snowcapped Atlas mountains in the distance during a trip to an old palace (now ruined and filled with Orange trees). Then I went the the new town (wide boulevards and more French feel) and had lunch and several long coffees. Spent the evening on the main square which will be described at some time in the future…

An interesting few days started on Thursday morning having breakfast on the hotel roof. Chatted to an American and Canadian women about where they were going etc and then went back to bed. Some time later got a knock asking if I would like to travel with them as they had hired a car and driver (Hello James) for a few days and their itinerary was similar to mine so I jumped at the chance. So we headed up the mountain but unfortunately the rain and the low clouds hampered any good views as we drove up the Lower Atlas. But then suddently the cloud broke and we were in the snow and the view was incredible. Stopped at the side of the road and were guided down to a small hidden village where I threw snowballs and generally got pretty cold. Then we headed for Aid Ben Haddou where Lawrence of Arabia and, more recently, Gladiator was filmed. Had to take a donkey over the river which was fun too. It was nice cruising around in a Mercedes 300 with lots of leg room, a nice way to travel if short of time.

Stopped for the evening in Zagora where we found a “very” well stocked supermarket off-license where I purchased some local beers and some Smirnoff Ice Black for the evening, bosh! Just chilled in the hotel and got pretty drunk… and learnt about AMT (American Military TV) which sounds like the worst and most propaganda driven channel in the world! Who’d of thought I’d be playing the Streets and Andy C to an American and Canadian (Sorry I didnt have the Dixie Chicks) when I woke up that morning.

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