poland, london, reading, wirral

Once again time passes too quickly for me to sit infront of a desk and type something constructive for the masses to read (if anyone reads this trash…). Poland was pretty interesting. Spent 1/2 my time trapped in the “Lost in Translation” hotel (actually it was the Warsaw Westin – a very nice 5 star hotel surrounded by communist era apartment blocks which made me feel a little uneasy).. once I escaped the cleanliness I saw a little of the real Warsaw.

It was pretty much how I expected; pockets of rich western commerce/business/cars alongside the majority of the population still adjusting to the “capitalistic” free for all. Having said that, everyone seemed very friendly and I enjoyed the hospitality of the poles. Some things seem slightly dated – such as bars/clubs/university buildings but maybe this is not such a bad thing – you don’t have to look/be like everyone else.

So I flew back with my bag laden with cheap vodka (12zl for 1/2 litre – about £1.50!) and headed to London. Went via Balham to Traffic, a little drum n bass night held fortnightly at the Rhythm Factory on Whitechapel Road. Was a nice little night – although having fallen off a table after too many vodkas I felt rough on the Saturday. Had a cultural afternoon in the Duke of Devonshire, a walk on Clapham Common, a trip to hotel in the city and then a night out at 100% Dynamite in Islington – which was excellent.

Sunday did some touristy stuff with Jess. Went to Petticoat Lane market (wasnt very impressed but it was windy and raining), then walked over to Tower Bridge and went to the exhibition – quite informative but I thought you’d be exposed to the elements but it was all enclosed….

Week in work – weekend on the Wirral where the wind blew, the rain came and went and a few trees blew over. FIN.

Transmission II is taking place THIS Friday so you need to check out the website and get your name down.. or you are definitely not coming in.

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