Who is my MP?

As part of my thesis research, I emailed the 3 MP’s on the Wirral to gather some opinions on the work I am doing concerning local food production.

My (questionnably) MP is Stephen Hesford, Wirral West and this is who I probably voted for in the last general election. Frank Field is the MP for Birkenhead to the east and Ben Chapman is MP for Wirral South.

All very straightforward. Well it was until I got a reply yesterday from Stephen Hesford saying:

Dear Mr. Wright,

Thank you for your email.

Frank Field is now the MP dealing with people in Prenton and so have passed onto him your email.

He will be in touch.

Yours sincerely,
Stephen Hesford MP

Fair enough I thought, but I mentioned Prenton as an aside. My research is on the very important topic of food production on the Wirral, also Mr. Hesford and Mr. Chapman have been championing the allotment cause in the House of Commons which is why I wanted to get the opinion of the 3 MP’s on the peninsula. I wrote back to him mentioning this fact:
Dear Stephen,

Thank you for your reply. I am actually looking at the totality of the Wirral’s available growing space – especially considering the West of the peninsula has a lot more land available for growing (take Church Farm Organics in Thurstaston for example) and am also looking at the provision of allotments in these areas.

Despite living in Prenton I would be interested in hearing your views on the subjects raised in my initial email.

Many thanks,
Andrew Wright

Anyway I got the following reply this morning:

Dear Mr. Wright,

I am afraid that I must stick to what I have written previously. I wish you well with your project.

Yours sincerely,
Stephen Hesford MP

I’m currently confused and not sure who my MP is? According to Wikipedia, the Wirral West constituency is “set to lose part of the Prenton Ward to Birkenhead.” I had a look at the Election Maps website and this does appear to be true. Our road is currently right near the boundary but from the next election Wirral West will be mainly to the west of the M53 motorway.
These changes were agreed by the Boundary Commission in 2005 but don’t appear to be changing until the next election. The website TheyWorkForYou still lists Stephen Hesford when I enter my postcode.
So where does that leave me and who is legally and consitutionally supposed to be dealing with the areas for my area? I suppose I’ll have to wait until I get a reply from Frank Field and see what happens then!
Update: I had an email back from someone working at TheyWorkForYou who informs me that:
Parliamentary boundary changes do not take place until the next
general election. The postcode CH43 0SU (which is Broxton Avenue, I
believe) is currently in the Wirral West constituency, and will move
to the Birkenhead constituency at the next election. So yes, Stephen
Hesford is your MP until the next election.
Hmm.. What to do next?

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