
Never read Orwell’s 1984, you haven’t lived! Get to this site (1984 by George Orwell: A searchable online version at The Literature Network) where the whole book is available online to read. When you see the pictures of Saddam being ripped up across Iraq, you can go some way to imagine what those piercing eyes following you around must have been like. Shame in the UK we have more CCTV than every other country in the world, and you are being watched everywhere you go.

I’m reading Anthony Burgess’ 1985 – a critique of 1984 which is definitely worth a read. I can also recommend Polly Toynbee’s Hard Work, showing just how impossible it is to live on the minimum wage – sometimes don’t realise just how lucky I am to have a job and an education.

2 thoughts on “Orwell”

  1. One of my favourite books of all time. Have you read any of his essays? If not then I would definately recommend “Politics and the English Language” which is still relevant today. In fact one of the things I love about Orwell is that most of his writing is still so relevant today.

    BTW, could I borrow 1985 when I see you next?

  2. things i’ve noticed – in a span of six days at least five bloggers, all without knowledge of each other, have posted mentions of Orwell as regards current events.

    Previous to this, the small meme i noticed, at least in the states, was multiple and unconnected comparisons of the Iraqi landscape and dust storms to the Burning Man festival.

    nice blog, i’ll be back – you’ve been ‘rolled for future reference (i got here via the ‘random peaceblog’ link on peaceblogs.org).

    (sympathetic and embarrassed american – although mostly i just tell people i’m from new york – i vote for secession but only if we can rid ourselves of this Hitler of a mayor.)

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