an update

It’s been a while since I updated the site. I think it’s a combination of amazing weather, not wanting to be sat infront of a computer in the evening, no time at the weekend, and no time in work either! It’s also been a chance to think about what I want to write about. Should this be a political site or maybe more about websites, mobile internet and the future of blogging.

As it goes, I’m not sure – I think there are going to be some new drum’n’bass sets up in the next few days and a change in layout.

Also working on a new project which is going to appear in the next few months and promises to be quite exciting.

Maybe the next time it rains I’ll write my glastonbury review and sort the rest of the stuff out but as it is, it’s 11pm and it’s so hot in my house that it’s too hot to do anything….

Farmers markets

They say you should practise what you preach but sometimes it is a little difficult. I have been buying Fair Trade Coffee and Tea for some time now but that was about as far as my ‘ethical’ shopping went. Luckily I discovered the Farmer’s Market in Reading this morning so took a trip to see what was on offer.

Comparatively small compared to the famous London market’s, there was still a great range of local produce on offer. I snapped up some Ostrich Steak (anyone know how to cook it?), Olives, Sunflower Bread, DuckBurgers, Organic Salad, Gooseberries, Strawberries and Raspberries. Such a wicked idea – obviously you cant do your weekly shop there but for fresh stuff it’s ideal and only a little more expensive than tesco – but think about who’s picking up the main share of the profits. It’s every fortnight so well worth a trip down to the Cattle Market near the Station in Reading.

I will put up the glastonbury review soon, i’m trying hard to remember what happened.