subwoofers and other stuff

In preparation for this weekend’s Suburban Shakedown I won a Subwoofer off Ebay. After giving it a roadtest on Sunday afternoon, I can safely say it shouldn’t go over about a quarter volume as the row of terraced houses I live in were shaking and attracting the attention of the neighbours. Maybe they are closet drum and bass fans? Or Maybe not.

I didn’t expect collection of the subwoofer in Surbiton (Gateway to Suburbia apparantly) to be very interesting but amazingly the train station is a good example of Art Deco (II)architecture. Something to look at while waiting anyway. The lettering is quality.

After my early cycle trip the other morning, I submitted another photo to the mirror project, and it got in: Thames Side.

moblogging works!

Managed to get the mobile blogging (or moblogging) sorted out. I can now take a photo on my (well my companies…) P800 camera phone press send, and through the wonders of technology (mainly thanks to mfop) a minute later the image and any text that i’ve sent will arrive on my moblogging page. It’s pretty cutting edge stuff, and I’m hoping it’ll work all the time. I’ll put some resources and links to articles up soon (when I sort the page out)….

here comes the sun

If you got up late this morning you probably missed it, but at 6.30 this morning it was a beautiful sunny day.

I cycled along the Kennet & Avon Canal, through Sonning and then up a stupidly long hill before returning to Reading. Beautiful day but it’s already cloudly – Thats whats supposed to happen on Bank Holidays though I suppose.

rain rain rain

Its been months (well it feels like it) since it has rained when I have wanted to leave the office. I can’t believe how heavy the rain is. So I am sort of stuck here for a while until it stops because my only form of transport is my trusty mountain bike.


Look how miserable it is… 4 months of nearly no rain then this… Now imagine sitting in a field at the end of June in these conditions 😉

Yeah can’t get my moblogging stuff to work yet, but does a good job and there are some great photos on here. For moblogging resources try here.

Friday night and I’m stuck in work – this isn’t right. And the Valve sound system is at Reading University tonight, don’t think I’m reaching. Got Dekefex @ Mass in Brixton to look forward to tomorrow instead.