PNT (post noctural ticket-buying)

So the tickets have been paid for (£117 quid in total!) and I have caught up on the sleep (but the weekend didn’t help). Had a late one seeing one-half of Orbital at the Fez Club on Saturday night. Wasn’t a very good atmosphere and it was also the first time I have wore my earplugs out. They make everything clear but you sort of lose the loudness basically! He didn’t get the crowd going and the MC was jokes 😉

I watched Manhattan on Sunday night. I was quite impressed by the whole production of it. I liked the black and white (even though some scenes were too dark), the wide shots of New York (although nothing like Taxi Driver made me feel). He (Woody Allen) seems to have a way of drawing you deep into his mind both through the direction of the film, the gripping storyline and his acting role.

I’ve been reading FreeCulture. I book released freely on the net (under the print.
Lawrence Lessig is a leading US lawyer and has written an in-depth book about the state of the copyright laws and the future of ideas as we move into the internet age. Anyway it’s free so you should read it or buy it!

Nearly time for a well deserved 10-day holiday when I’ll be heading up North for some relaxing, partying and a trip to the Lake District. Bosh!

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