Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-12

  • Saw on BBC News other day. Embarrassing. BBC News like Newsround was 20 years ago + robot is a useless expensive joke! #
  • Cambodia Rocks! Amazing set of mp3 music from Cambodia in the 1970’s. Listen here: #
  • RT @eggbutnobacon: Enjoyed 1st Kombucha Me too – it was like cider but non-alcoholic. Really nice over ice..! #
  • Wondering who to vote for today? Paul Kingsnorth gives a good overview of parties and why you SHOULD VOTE! Get out there.. #
  • Ben Goldacre cuts through the dodgy figures and media reporting once again, this time about illegal downloads #
  • Wheatgrass, Kombucha, Jiagulan, Tai Chi, Tea, Thai Food. Don’t want to leave this place. OK except maybe for Tormorden #

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